Birth and Postpartum Professional Virtual Conference

October 28-29, 2024


Welcome to the Networking Lounge!

We are so glad to have you join us! 
Networking is an important of any conference, and we like to think that the DONA Summit is extra special in this area! There's just something amazing about being in the same space with fellow doulas and other birth/postpartum professionals from ALL OVER THE WORLD!  We encourage you to network and connect with doulas through our virtual event via this chat box and the chat boxes in your live session.  
Below we've shared some images from past in-person conferences!  We can't wait to network together in-person again next year! 
Live Networking Chat Room

Simply type your name below and press sign in to join the discussion! You can type a message in the group for everyone to see or private message someone by clicking on their name.

DONA Summit Networking Memories
