Day 2 On Demand
Friday, October 29th, 2021
10:00am - 11:15am EDT
LIVE Welcome & Keynote: Ending the Big Letdown: Policy Gaps, Commercial Influences & Racial Disparities in Breastfeeding. Where do we go from here?
Breastfeeding outcomes do not occur in a vacuum, they are influenced by social, cultural and economic forces at play. This talk examines the role of science and scientific protocols, medicine, commercial interests, feminist ideals and other “actors,” in shaping infant feeding decision-making and what can be done to level the playing field. Seals Allers also pushes for more structural support for breastfeeding mothers, improved communication and messaging from the lactation community, and offers ideas for a new blueprint for transforming breastfeeding into the social norm.
Kimberly Seals Allers,
Denise Bolds, MSW, AdvCD (DONA), CLC, CBE
11:15am - 11:30am EDT
11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
LIVE Keynote: Doula’s: Using Influence, Voice and Presence to Improve Outcomes
Over the past two years, a perfect storm has emerged for childbearing families in the US. Families are asked to weather, often alone, unconscionable conditions including: decades of pre-existing and unaddressed health inequities fueled by structural racism in all of health care, the emergence of COVID 19 and the Delta variant, expanding maternity care deserts, a maternity care workforce shortage, and increasing awareness uncovering the breadth and causes for maternal mortality in the US – the worst outcomes of all high-income countries. This session will explore data driving the need for advocacy and action and provide recommendations on how doulas can use their personal and professional influence, voice, and presence to drive change in a variety of settings.
Ginger Breedlove, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN
Danielle Donaldson, CD/PCD(DONA), LCCE
12:30am - 12:45pm EDT
Concurrent Sessions - Please Pick One
12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
LIVE Concurrent: Chiropractic care and pregnancy, birth and postpartum
The pandemic solidified a major shift in childbirth practices. Regulations often restricted significant others and the support team of women giving birth for their special day. This brought on additional stress and concern and yet many adapted. We witnessed many choosing home births and birthing centers. Employing doulas, midwives, and a natural birth team. Doulas became a “thing” that many who were previously unfamiliar with began requesting. Doulas I know were busier than ever, helping families welcome their newest members into the world. However, the workload and great lengths they go to ensure a successful outcome added stress to their bodies. What if there is a way to decrease dystocia, dysfunction, and difficult births? What if you could partner with someone who has your best interests in mind? A partner that can help the mom and help you simultaneously? Join me as I discuss the 4 Ps of prenatal care and why partnering with a chiropractor adds value to your client.
Kenyon Godwin, DC
Kelli Brien, CD(DONA), CLS, LCCE, SpBCPE
12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Doulas Perspectives: The Pandemic Around the Globe
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected birthing parents and their families across the globe. The pandemic has touched every continent and almost every country. DONA International has certified doulas in over 50 countries, and this panel discussion will bring together a few of our certified doulas to explore the similarities and differences from a global perspective. This moderated session will broaden our understanding of birth work through the pandemic in diverse cultural areas.
Session Moderator
Augie Rigual, DONA International Director of International Development
Panel Speakers
Rasee Govindani (Thailand)
Jenny Garcia (Dominican Republic)
Elena Carillo (Mexico)
Esther Kimani (Kenya)
Shereen Zarroug (United Arab Emirates)
12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Preparing Clients for the Identity Shift to Motherhood. It’s More than Making Strong Coffee and Learning Basic Baby Care
Becoming a mother is about more than learning how to change diapers and make really strong coffee: it’s about becoming a different person. Doulas have traditionally offered pragmatic postpartum support, but, with the increasing prevalence of postpartum mood disorders, we must become skilled in supporting women through the deeper identity shift of motherhood. In this session, you will learn more about the process of matrescence and learn skills that you can apply to your practice.
Jessie Harrold, MA, CD(DONA)
12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Say YES: How to Move Past Self-Doubt into Your Dream Birth Work Career
Birth work is a calling. So why is it so hard to get started? How do you rise above that seemingly insurmountable wall of negativity and learn to say YES! to yourself and your goals? Join me in exploring how you can move past the roadblocks of negative self-talk and imposter syndrome to achieve your goals. By the end of this session, you will leave with immediately actionable tips that can be used in your doula practice or any new project you’re passionate about.
Katie Rice, BA, CD(DONA)
1:45pm - 2:15pm EDT
Afternoon Sessions
2:15pm - 3:15pm EDT
LIVE: Improving Maternal Health Outcomes in Women of Color through Doula Care
In America, nearly 700 women die annually during childbirth. Black women are 4-5 times more likely to die than their White counterparts. We will take a deep dive into this crisis by examining root causes, developing logical solutions, and exploring the Diversifying Doulas Initiative.
Sharee Livingston, DO, FACOG
Nikia Lawson, MA, BSW, BDT/CD(DONA)
3:15pm - 3:30pm EDT
3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
LIVE: I’m Penny Simkin, a Co-Founder of DONA International and a Childbirth Educator for Over 50 years. Ask Me Anything.
In this session, Penny looks forward to answering questions submitted by DONA membership about any topics relating to Penny’s storied career, the changes she’s seen in birth over 50 years, and share wisdom with the DONA membership.
Penny Simkin, PT
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